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Michael Brown killed in the complex math variable WAR region Rd-blog-number-3956 by Herb Zinser outlines the complex variable battle in the St.Louis math war region. The complex math function .... SYMBOL MACHINE military system PROJECT was announced ...
Posted Jun 23, 2019, 7:41 PM by Herb Zinser
The natural number N continuum war displayed by the conflict in North Korea. Rd-blog-number-3600The last 500 years has seen new advances in evolution. Physical biology evolution as described by Charles Darwin has been surpassed by SYMBOL and CONCEPT evolution ...
Posted Jun 23, 2019, 6:10 PM by Herb Zinser
Westroads Mall shooting and its EVENT signals on computer science and the 360 degree orbital CIRCLE processing systems. RD-blog-number-3313Let's look at Nature's message processing system ..... the feedback ERROR signal system that uses tragic EVENTS to send messages to scientists about the deeper ...
Posted Jun 23, 2019, 4:04 PM by Herb Zinser
Sandy Hook violations of the gravity field mathematical-plane result in the BATTLE of the Pythagorean Theorem. RD-blog-number-2790The gravity field battle at Sandy Hook Elementary (physics) School took place in gravity field Newtonian coordinates in the Newton site: Newtown, Connecticut.Sandy Hook Elementary ...
Posted Jun 23, 2019, 10:52 AM by Herb Zinser
The Dirac 4 x 4 matrices war in Vietnam with math/physics President NixoN RD-blog-number-2732The history of mathematical -physics wars was a well-kept secret. The SCIENCE WARS officially began around year 1995 / 1996 with Alan Sokal and others ...... with ...
Posted Jun 23, 2019, 10:33 AM by Herb Zinser
Boy Scout math policy ERRORS cause the death of Sam Hengel ---> Boy Scouts ignore and disregard Rudolf Carnap and the basics of math logic and math life. RD-blog-number-2688The BOY SCOUTS organization routinely ignore the laws of NATURE ....... the physical nature of trees and land AND the symbolic life of Nature ....which is comprised ...
Posted Jun 22, 2019, 4:50 PM by Herb Zinser
The Madison, Wisconsin WORLD math Exponent conference on LEVEL 2 formats RD-blog-number-2336Math has a great influence upon human economics activities, accidents, wars, etc. Let's look at a math conference in Madison, Wisconsin and then look at ...
Posted Jun 21, 2019, 9:28 PM by Herb Zinser
Tiananmen Square student math demo 1989 ---> the student's t-distribution WAR RD-blog-number-2522Student's t-Distribution -- from Wolfram MathWorld Continuous Distributions Student's t -distribution is defined as the distribution of the random variable t which is (very ...
Posted Jun 21, 2019, 3:54 PM by Herb Zinser
The Vietnam matrix transpose WAR under math President N x N (NixoN) for the N by N square matrix in VS --> Vector Space --> Vietnam South RD-blog-number-2649The Earth geography surface is a mathematical-physics surface. Math regions are well-known to geography, geology, and computer science professors. For example ...... the Math array ...
Posted Jun 23, 2019, 10:56 AM by Herb Zinser
The Chicago 1968 Chi-Squared Probability Distribution bio-math social riots RD-blog-number-2515Humans are composed of many conceptual elements and ideas. We are composed of atomic bio-physics particles, we are composed of bio-chemistry process control flowcharts ...
Posted Jun 21, 2019, 3:57 PM by Herb Zinser
The Square Root of 200 implies World War math year 14.14 implies --> battle year 14 --> 1914 RD-blog-number-2511Math and physics play an important role in life AND in our thoughts. The usage of algebra and plane geometry was impotant for mechanical engineering of ...
Posted Jun 19, 2019, 4:02 PM by Herb Zinser
Alan Turing symbolic math BUILDING versus Federal Building 160 + 8 dead. RD-blog-number-2388School of Mathematics, University of Manchester - Wikipedia, the School_of_Mathematics ---> Universe of_Man..In July 2007 the school moved from the Mathematics Tower into ...
Posted Jun 21, 2019, 3:58 PM by Herb Zinser
Science reports
- Group 251 M-theory and math number i = square toot of minus one (-1) explain the the sub-continent of INDIA geography math contour shape and the evolution of milk proteins from ...
Posted 5 minutes ago by Herb Zinser
- Group 250 This string theory application paper by Herb Zinser.Euler's number e= 2.718 e - Euler's number - Math is Fun › numbers › e-eulers-numberThe ...
Posted 22 hours ago by Herb Zinser