Let's look at another blog post that explains many concepts. Then we will finalize with the calculus of residues.
Farm Corn math kernels
by Herb Zinser reviews the EARTH MATH database that was created by
the bio-math structure named Jeffery Fowle.
Let's look at another blog post that describes his EARTH LAB experiment.
Jeffery Fowle explains the OHIO soybeans and corn ... grain BIN wars.
RD-blog-number-4101 by Herb Zinser reveiws the EARTH LANGUAGE wars with farmers, the agriculture industry, and universities over the false and missing MODELS of EARTH LANGUAGE communication systems and Computer Earth system 370 geography LAND (Local Area Netwrok Data), etc.
Their explanations are Hollywood style fantasy views of modern REALITY in year 2014 .. as outlined by Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE.
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
OR physical biology living entities .... such as 2-legged humans, botany trees, birds, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get a mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH.
After, the mapping above occure ..... a 2nd mapping may occur. The range above .... now becomes the staring source domain for the second mapping function to a different type of range.

Thus you can see ..how a sequence of mapping can occur ..... perhaps, a chain of EVENTS over several months or several years.
Let's look at the Computer earth system 370 geography database siganl .... data produced by Nature's expression agent Jeffery Fowle on his secret agriculture mission to the message processing region of North Korea.
Jeffrey Fowle, American held by North Korea, back home ...
Jeffrey Fowle, Americans detained in North Korea, has been ...
CBS News
U.S. Tourist Jeffrey Fowle Was Detained In North Korea For ...
The Huffington Post
Ohio man held in North Korea hoped to aid church - Daily Mail
Daily Mail
Let's establish EARTH LANGUAGE geography coordinates map
..... a partial CLUE tyo Nature's EARTH message processing mechanism ..
similar to the proper noun suggestion by ... EARTH LINK internet

Latitude (shown as a horizontal line) is the angular distance, in degrees, minutes, and seconds of a point north or south of the Equator. Lines of latitude are often referred to as parallels.

Longitude (shown as a vertical line) is the angular distance, in degrees, minutes, and seconds, of a point east or west of the Prime (Greenwich) Meridian. Lines of longitude are often referred to as meridians.
Ohio man who was released by North Korea after 6 months, hoped to aid underground Christian church
--> EARTH LANGUAGE underground code
Now, we notice the latlude coordinates of the State of Ohio in North America.

Thus we see that OHIO .... is like North Korea ..its above the 38th Parallel .. the secret of geography and geology college graduates.
Thus Jeffery Fowle from OHIO geogarphy coordinates ..between the 38th Parallel and the 41st parallel ...traveled to North Korea similar area on Nature's mission.
Thus he went from the EARTH geography domain of OHIO and its EARTH blog CMS (Content Managemnt System) and went to destination range in Asia above the 38th parallel.
Ohio man held in North Korea hoped to aid church - Daily Mail
Daily Mail

Thus we see Toledo (machine tool and die industry) at 41 degrees and Chongjin(city of iron) at 41 degrees latitude ..north of the Equator.
Thus we have the EARTH horizontal line ..the EQUATOR and the 38th parallel and 41 degrees latitude.
Computer Earth system 370 BAL language has an EQUATE instruction.
Thus we see that Nature has EQUATED Jeffery Fowle's OHIO with NORTH KOREA.
Thus we need to look at the information database of
Jeffery Fowle's data generating experience .. to see what keywords and
numbers in his NORTH KOREA activities refer back to
activities in the State of OHIO (his activities or some industry or business group).
activities in the State of OHIO (his activities or some industry or business group).
U.S. Tourist Jeffrey Fowle Was Detained In North Korea For ...
The Huffington Post
The key number from North Korea ... we have covered ....... the latitude number range and its correlations.
The data below ....
Faith in Bible Led Ohio Man to North Korea Prison - WSJ
The Wall Street Journal -
Jeffrey Fowle Admits To Intentionally Leaving Bible in North ...
www.rokdrop.net/.../jeffrey-fowle-admits-to-intentionally-leaving-bible-i...Nov 4, 2014 - 7 posts - 2 authorsJeffrey Fowle said Friday that he left the Bible under a trash bin at a ... God doesn't need folks who leave their Bible in the toilet of some foreign ...
keywords --..
bin --> referes to binary computer systems base 2
toilet --> refers to toil ..work ..effort
age 56 --> refers to the ferous oxide IRON atomic isotope-56
trash --> possible refence to soybean or corn trash on a field after the harvest ..known as soybean residue.
Consider Residue Managers For Soybeans - Agriculture.com
www.agriculture.com › Crops › Soybeans › Soybeans Production
The trash managers work great for single-row units on 30-inch .
The trash managers work great for single-row units on 30-inch .
The trash managers work great for single-row units on 30-inch .
The trash managers work great for single-row units on 30-inch .
he left the Bible under a trash bin at a
he left the Bible under a trash bin at a
he left the Bible under a trash bin at a
bin and covered it with
bin and covered it with --> bin cover
bin and covered it with --> thus we have an OHIO agriculture farm with a metal grain storage bin with metal cover roof.

Above, corn kernels are stored in data storage format in the grain (data processing storage) storage bins above.
Thus the grains bins store 2 existential entities (the
traditional existence of physical biology BOTANY corn AND its newer
computer science properties).
Above, soybean harvest.
Above soybeans that are stored in a grain bin.
Corn and soybeans are measured in the COMPUTER EARTH unit of measure --> bushel.
Bushel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
U.S. Commercial Bushel Sizes
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 60.
G4020 Tables for Weights and Measurements: Crops
University of Missouri
Corn, shelled
56 pounds per bushel
56 pounds per bushel
Corn, shelled
56 pounds per bushel
56 pounds per bushel
Corn, shelled
56 pounds per bushel --> communications agent Jeffery Fowle age 56
56 pounds per bushel --> communications agent Jeffery Fowle age 56
Corn, shelled
56 pounds per bushel --> Computer EARTH code --> Bushel
56 pounds per bushel --> Computer EARTH code --> Bushel
Bushel --> Bus+ he + el --> data bus hexadecimal elements
Thus we see the incomplete expanation given by Washington, DC Department of Agriculture and the farmer agriculture cooperatives that lie and cover-up the TRUE NATURE of Earth Language.
Now, the main goal of this blog post was to explain the Jeffery Fowle trip generated data that helps explain the EARTH system ...and feedback signals to OHIO and Midwest farmers.

Thus we look at COMPUTER EARTH and the geography farm land and its identity.
Keyword --> farm --> Fa + rm --> base 16 Hex'Fa' = 250 room on the earth geogarphy surface.
Thus we can perceive EARTH as having a CMS system ...
A content management system (CMS) is a computer application that allows publishing, editing and modifying content, organizing, deleting as well as ...
.The above kernels are mathematical existential entities that grew
on farm fields ...farm data fields .. thus they have captured data
VITAL for Nature's systems.
This corn data is taken form farm fields and converges into a grain bin data ... a grain storage bin ..... that contains the set of all kernels ..hence, a master kernel.
kernel and function? - Math .......... the kernel of a map in linear algebra. Suppose we have a linear map
W . Then the kernel of L consists of all vectors in V which are mapped to zero. 0
is always mapped to zero, thus the kernel is never empty. It is easy to prove that the kernel ofL is always a linear subspace of
Thus we have the corn field vectors (standing vectors of corn plant) that get mapped to the corn storage bin.

Content management system - Wikipedia, the free ...
Thus COMPUTER EARTH and its contents ..Base 16 hex 'Fa' contents --> farms and factories and human families.
Here, we are interested in farms that exist on the
mathematical-physics geography surface of EARTH and the bio-math
structure known as corn

This corn data is taken form farm fields and converges into a grain bin data ... a grain storage bin ..... that contains the set of all kernels ..hence, a master kernel.
kernel and function? - Math .......... the kernel of a map in linear algebra. Suppose we have a linear map
is always mapped to zero, thus the kernel is never empty. It is easy to prove that the kernel of
Thus we have the corn field vectors (standing vectors of corn plant) that get mapped to the corn storage bin.

Tropic of Capricorn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The above grain storage bin .... has a cap on the roof and contains corn.
Thus Nature can use COMPUTER EARTH Basic Assembler Language to EQUATE the farmer's storage with --> cap and corn --> to SYMBOLS -- > Capricorn --> EARTH Tropic of Capricorn (which is a Southern Hemisphere geography ... horizontal line).

Above, we have a data storage device with rings .... thus super-symmetry physics MIRRORS suggest

Thus Jeffery Fowle database provides important clues about the structure of modern agriculture within EARTH Content Management Systems.
North Korean authorities arrested U.S. tourist Jeffrey Fowle age 56 .... for leaving a copy of the Bible with his contact information and pictures under a bin in the toilet at a restaurant during his 10-day visit to that country, a source has said.
. With time running out at the club, Mr. Fowle went into the bathroom to leave ... how he placed it under a trash bin and covered it with a piece of paper.
he placed it under a trash bin and covered it with a piece of paper.
under a bin ---> symbolism for --> grain storage bin
age 56 --> iron-56 used by farm tractors and combines and steel storage bins
toilet --> toil ..work ...all the work and risk that farmers
trash --> reference to corn and soybean harvest and the trash /residue left on the ground in the field
bin and covered it with a piece of paper. --> grain bin covered with a piece of metal ( like a piece of paper) ..to protect it from rainy weather
Ohio man who was released by North Korea after 6 months ...
The Republican
after 6 months ...
after 6 months ...
after 6 months ...
after 6 months ... ..the growing season in southern Wisconsin ..Northern Illinois ..northern Ohio
after 6 months ...
after 6 months ... May(spring planting of corn and soybeans), June, July .... ..... August, September, October (harvest time)
Thus we see arrogant, snob farmers, farm cooperative, university ag departments, the FFA, the 4-H club of America, farm newspapers and magazines, farm equipment manufactures, farm equipment dealers, corn and soybean seed companies, herbicide and fertilizer suppliers, etc ...... .to high up on the evolutionary social scale of elite thinkers ....that they can't even be bothered to acknowledge the existence of the EARTH language message via message carrier Jeffery Fowle.
The farm community has covered up other tragic WAR signals from Nature's message system.
Rod Nilsestuen, state DATCP head and leader of farmers and their superior communication techniques ..... , drowns in Lake Superior over the superiority complex WARS
The Daily Cardinal
Dr. Sheedy - Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung
Theories of Personality - Notebook
Thus you have some clues about Nature's EARTH LANGUAGE corn message. The afrm industry ought build a SYMBOL MODEL of the situation ...
and farmers ought be on alert for additional clues ....
things that happen around their area ..... or they read in the newspaper.
Over a few years ...these isolated clues can add up ...and provide us with a better picture of our relationship with Nature's systems ...and the bi-directional communication process,
Writings about this relationship ..
- the Social Contract with Nature outlined by John Locke and others .. long ago
- Walden Pond code --> Ponder --> by Henry David Thoreau around year 1847
Thus we have suggested some concepts about the mathematical-physics BOTANY structure of EARTH geography surface and the Computer EARTH system 370 version of modern agriculture using the modern knowledge of REALITY as described in basic math, science, and computer main frame textbooks.
Now, let's look at soybeans.
AgWeb Soybean Harvest News - Soybean Harvest Map ...
Consider Residue Managers For Soybeans - Agriculture.com
Consider Residue Managers
CHAPTER SIX The Calculus of Residues
here for pdf.
]Residue Management Choices - Education
A Guide to Managing Crop Residues in Soybeans.
Managing Crop Residues
Publication: Harvesting Crop Residues
Problems caused by poor residue distribution
Heavy residue bands commonly cause hair-pinning with disc seeders or
plugging of shank style seeders. These problems are commonly compounded
because the soil beneath the residue has a higher moisture content,
further hindering the performance of seeding equipment.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we understand Charles Dickens " TALE of 2
we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get a
mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with
human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of
Thus we see ..the above farmer words --> Heavy residue bands commonly cause hair-pinning .. in the source domain set (shown on the left) and the farmers math mapping to physical biolog entities..... the heavy residue husbands in the bedroom ..commonly are hair-pinning (their wife) with human ..male spinal chord disc seeder (the penis) ..
Thus we see several different formats of modern farm coomunication messages that farmer need to be aware of.
Thus we thank Jeffery Fowle .........
Ohio man who was released by North Korea after 6 months ...
The Republican
Thus 6 months .... the farmers growing season in northern OHIO thru northern IOWA.
May ( sping planting)
October (harvest of soybeans) that results in the message equation --> Trash bin --> the soybeans are partitioned in 2 parts during harvest ...... the trash / soybean residue left on the field and the soybean bean gets taken by a grain buggy/tractor to a grain storage bin.
Why can't the North America farmer and the farm industry recognize this message ...and then after its laid out and described ..the entire farm agriculture community and universities and the Department of Agriculture laugh, ignore, or insult the EARTH LANGUAGE signal.
Other signals have been ignored --> ig + nor = ed --> ignorant norway education system still provides incomplete and biased explanations about Utoya --> Uto code --> Unified Theory of Everything battle site in Europe
Thus Nature's message system needs to recognized by human society ..... John Locke and others outlined the Social Contract ...... and recent tragic signal events are correlated to the Social Contract with Nature's resources.