Thursday, May 3, 2012

Russian Base 16 orbital physics Science War casualty signal of LANDAU geo-physics


The Battle for  the Recapture of Planet Earth continues.   The Solar System 370 war began in year 1616, recognized by the astronomy military title: Galileo the DEFENDER ( of Earth).    In year 1616 the base 16 hexadecimal defense system was begun ....with Base 16 HEX space and Base 16 HEX time  being formated by Nature into DATA known as Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory.

The Solar  System 370 processor is comprised of   9  planet  (viewed as data bits)
with  8 planet data bits =  1 solar system data byte with  1 planet  error checking parity bit (the 9th planet data bit).

Thus within this Solar System 370 architectural structure we have the subset COMPUTER EARTH system 370  and  EARTH data fields  as predicted by Einstein's Field Theory and Landau geo-physics theory..........
that is
Landau -->  LAND  -->
the EARTH geography surface  computer  --> LAND  of Landau geophysics = Local Area Network Data.

Thus viewed ...EARTH battlefields are understood.

---> VIETNAM ...1968  war ...algebra subset symbols are
V....T...AM    ..the Computer Earth version of  IBM  system 370 OS/JCL  SNA VTAM

--->UTOEYA --> UTOE = Unified Theory of Everything  battle in year 2011 with OS/JCL errors by the bio-computer citizens and  the Norwegian  bio-assembly language .... government assembly  of   OSLO, Norway of the  BAL region ...Baltic  geography processing region of BAL = Basic Assembler Language.

What is a recent   Base 16  SCIENCE WAR ....Earth orbital casualty  report?

Solar System 370  description word:  Russia
Russia =  RU + ssi + a =
Request Unit    solar system instruction  answers

BALTIC BAL region SSI format for BAL instructions
SSI = Storage to Storage Instruction formats

Recent tragic astronomy war news....the SIGNAL

  1. 37 missing as Russian oil rig sinks — RT
    Dec 18, 2011 – ... board a floating oil rig which capsized in the Sea of Okhotsk in Russia's Far East, ... Nine more dead bodies have been found in the freezing waters off ... It brings the death toll to 16, with 37 still missing, more than a day after ...
Thus we see the system 370 signal with Base 16 hexadecimal.
IBM scientists and theorists deny the existence of such possibilities    .....because they have supreme knowledge over all dimensions of NATURE.  
Does BAL exist.?
Does Ba.sic(K) Assembler Language exist?
Does oxygen atomic mass 16 computer base 16  exist?

The computer industry ought not insult people that look at the periodic atomic table and breath oxygen 16  into their bio-computer LU =Logical Unit = LUNG.

9 more dead .....9 bits inside the   human  brain-computer
implies brain dead computer  programmers and system analysts ...that is their brain becomes  unable to understand  the gestalt view needed by  Nature's systems engineers.

The  CLUES  may help us  understand this  puzzle about Computer Earth.

Four dead, 49 missing as Russian oil rig overturns off Sakhalin 

4 DNA nucleotide signal  ...from the living EARTH cell  to  subset humanoid  and their  brain symbolic DNA processing problems...such as the  4-H Club of Wisconsin which does recognize 4 DNA social engineering polices ...or the Boy Scouts  of America that do not acknowledge the existence of  the 23 chromosome battle  of Nature's  signaling messenger Sam Hengel...or the Wisconsin FFA that does not recognize the Base 16 Hex'FFA'  accidental murder of   lung /oxygen 16 humanoid  ANDh
Mathematics  agent ...... algebra subset letters
Mat........t   Anderson.

Madison, Wisconsin and Mad magazine  comics are having a contest on  playing DUMB and unaware.
University of Wisconsin has been hypnotized  ...a possibility predicted by  books: BRAVE NEW WORLD   and 1984. .    

Thus we have subtle signals that need to be understood.

CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA