The study of Wisconsin tragic events provides scientists with vast amounts of empirical data on the structure of existence the Wisconsin farm / city regions. Let's review some EVENTS and their science implications.
Oconomowoc man found sane in mother's ax killing - JSOnline › News › Waukesha CountyCachedNov 13, 2007 – An Oconomowoc man was not criminally insane when he hacked his ... Mark Totzke, 29, pleaded guilty last month to first-degree intentional homicide in the slaying. ... Milwaukee police identify homicide victim 1:50 p.m. ...Ax killer's fate up to judge - JSOnline › News › Waukesha CountyCached - SimilarNov 10, 2007 – When a judge announces Monday whether Mark Totzke will go to prison or a mental hospital for killing his mother with an ax, the decision ... One day before he murdered her, after an out-of-town trip, Totzke rushed into the ... of Gloria Jean Totzke, 59, was found in her bed at her Oconomowoc home Aug.Man Gets Life in Ax Murder; Son Who Killed Mother at Oconomowoc ... 1, 2007 – Man Gets Life in Ax Murder; Son Who Killed Mother at Oconomowoc ... a judge imposed a life prison sentence Friday for Mark Totzke, with no ...
Let's look at the data an applied math problem ....
Man Gets Life in ax Murder;
Man Gets Life in ax Murder Man Gets Life in
the way to solve ax2 + bx + c =
the simplest way ax2 + bx = o - c = oconomowoc math war zone
The Quadratic Equation Formula
the value of x is
given by:Quadratic formulaA quadratic equation with real or complex coefficients has two solutions, called roots. These two solutions may or may not be distinct, and they may or may not be real.Having Thus we see the importance of the ACLU in developing new area of LAW ......since their name is in the math-life equation. In bio-computer words ACLU --> ac Logical Unit. I was a 4-H CLUB member in the Water, Wisconsin region in 1955 older and wiser in year 2012 .....I recognize the NUMBER SIGNAL 4 .....and the Sherlock Holmes signal to the the 4-H CLUB members. Where are you? Please report to Sherlock Holmes algebra duty to help the Base 16 Hex'FFA' = Future Farmers of America organization. . . . . |
Quadratic equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In mathematics, a quadratic equation is a univariate polynomialequation of the second degree.
A general quadratic equation can be written in the form ...
Thus Mark Totzke commited a high school algebra crime most he is guilty of
of ---> second degree algebra murder of his schoolteacher mother ....for her mathematics violations in conspiracy with the CARL JUNG algebra collective unconscious of the school teachers union ...and their Joseph Stalin collective group alliance with the Wisconsin Joseph Stalin farm collective groups ......the farm cooperatives and their farmer members ........thus the debates with the Governor and the Wisconsin Supreme court over the legitimacy of the collective unconsciousness GROUP MIND and its legal rights to control education of children and high school students. Nature and the Central Nervous System 370 bio-computer will not allow those unconscious STATES of MIND to control thought.
The the grammar school and high school shootings ....... and or the deaths of Matt Anderson, Sam Hengel, Jake Gerard and others.
Thus we see EARTH land/ geography data processing region known as:
P abstract --> Processor abstract life forms for Nature ...known as Pabst Farms near base 16 hexadecimal highway 16 ......part of Computer Earth system 370 special address spaces....for Einsteins data processing DATA FIELD theory experiments using the Base 16 Hex'Fa' = 250 = Farm fields...that is Farm data fields of soil/geography LAND at OC7 region --> data exception for nitrogenous bases RD and other special projects of NATURE's systems.
Earth LAND at --> LAN Dat --> Local Area Network Data .... the LOCAL AREA include SUMMIT Wisconsin and the SUMMIT treaty /Salt treaty with the people of the Summit and Wisconsin.
The SUMMIT treaty = SUM + MIT + Sum total allowable of MITochondria human amn celluar allowable in the EARTH geography regions.
The MDT--> Modified Data Tag violations by the real estate and banking industry mortgages activated the bio-computer ROTC military systems used by Nature ...hence, the Darwinian selection of special name MDT = Mark. D. Totzke ......and the Modified Data Tags in the brain axons of his mother GLORIA....
....Nature's revenge SIGNAL to Milwaukee for the Modified Data Tags of the Pabst farms data fields of MOTHER EARTH.
Thus the 1st consequence of math and computer science violations of EARTH math laws.
The 2nd consequence ...of the SUMMIT, Wisconsin farm region violations by citizens, business, and governments was the SUMMIT = SUM + MIT --> the MITochondria ordered murder of the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee student ...Haroon Kahn ..who drove a MIT --> Mitiochondria signaling device ..that is a molecular cell biology evolution SIGNAL for Richard Dawkins and Lancet Medical Journal .... the MITochodria communications vehicle knowm as a MIT = Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution.
UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say ... › News › Milwaukee CountyCached - SimilarOct 7, 2008 – Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and Travis W. Zoellick wanted one just like it. ... Khan, a 31-year-old University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student and businessman, was reported missing ...
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,
Mitochondria Lancet Evolution, - Home Page
The Lancet is the world's leading general medical journal and specialty journals in Oncology, Neurology and Infectious Diseases. Available online first.
Mazomanie ---->
Ma + zom+ an+ ie ---->
Map + zom + a next letter + ie ---->
Map + zom + letter b + ie ---> spells
Map zombie WAR region Wisconsin
Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Einstein field equations (EFE) or Einstein's equations are a set of 10 equations in Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity which describe the ...
Science: Einstein's Field Theory - TIME,9171,737426,00.htmlSimilarAs 24-cent copies of Albert Einstein's abstruse "Coherent Field Theory" reached the U. S. last week, the man himself, his wife and a daughter plodded about ...
All Fields --> Tall corn Fields of Wisconsin and the
Base 16 Hex'FFA' Farm data Fields of
Mathematics ...abbreviated
Mat........t ...assigned to Matt Anderson by the periodic atomic table accounting system of oxygen atomic computers ...atomic mass 16 with base 16 hexadecimal processing in the bio-computer organization known as the Base 16 Hex 'FFA'.
FFA student leader Matt Anderson died Aug. 19 - eCALS - News for ... 28, 2007 – Matthew Douglas Anderson, 21, an area native who was a leader in collegiate FFA in Wisconsin, died unexpectedly on August 19. His obituary ...
FFA student leader Matt Anderson died .. ....representing several existential entities
Base 16 Hex "FF' = High-Values America leader Matt = Mathematics and the Big 8 accounting systems firm Anderson with Arthur Schopenhauer book " The Farm WORLD is Will and Idea".
The oxygen BIG 8 accounting firms ......and the 8 protons of oxygen -->
protons oxygen --> pro + oxy --> proxy votes with Arthur Anderson accounting.....
.the Central Nervous System 370 symbolic computer audit of the Base 16 HEX'FFA" members and their subliminal mind philosophy ...has omissions in perception of the Social Contract with Nature outlined by John Locke, David Hume, and Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Civil Disobedience and the Walden years: 1845–1849: Henry David Thoreau, Walden, "Where I ... forest around the shores of Walden Pond.
The 3 Wisconsin agriculture WAR casualties provide more insight into our mathematical-physics NATURE and our life that is embedded within the gravity field of EARTH and the magnetic fields of EARTH.
Let's look at the math data announcements by the farm industry
Let's review a math announcement about the evolution of astrophysics exponents on EARTH LAB.
message --> World Dairy Expo" ...subset letters
................Two.....Data y exponents -->
suggesting what ?????
b) Base 2 exponents used by IBM computer science
What could year 2012 suggest?
Base 2 exponent 012 = 4096 decimal.
Perhaps,,the CLUE is the word
Recognition with subset letters
Reco .........implying
Record of data has record length 4096.
What do computer programmers think?
Are they interested in how the world works?
Thus we have applied math ....applied to the EARTH and a new LEVEL ..the exponents level.
That's the WORLD EXPO ..... another topic that needs RD.
c) the y exponent suggests Fermat's Last Theorem
with Princeton and Andrew Wiles theory and the
astrophysics math life application specimen at CALTECH ..with the
Feynman scholar equation -->
Fe + y n + mantissa of Logan, Utah logarithms
What is Fermat's Last Theorem format?
Thus we see Fermat's math life theorem.
Fermat --> Fe --> liFe
Fermat --> Fe --> Feynman test specimens
Thus we have the astrophysics universe....
and subset EARTH WORLD
Thus we aome foundation clues as to the NATURE of earth math life.
Fe is a few things;
- Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic math in Hemoglobin ....such as exists in specimen Thorne.
- Oxygen atomic computer LUNG base 16 Hex'fe'= 254
Let's review a math announcement about the evolution of astrophysics exponents on EARTH LAB.
................Two.....Data y exponents -->
suggesting what ?????
b) Base 2 exponents used by IBM computer science
Base 2 exponent 012 = 4096 decimal.
Perhaps,,the CLUE is the word
Recognition with subset letters
Reco .........implying
Record of data has record length 4096.
What do computer programmers think?
Are they interested in how the world works?
Thus we have applied math ....applied to the EARTH and a new LEVEL ..the exponents level.
That's the WORLD EXPO ..... another topic that needs RD.
c) the y exponent suggests Fermat's Last Theorem
with Princeton and Andrew Wiles theory and the
astrophysics math life application specimen at CALTECH ..with the
Feynman scholar equation -->
Fe + y n + mantissa of Logan, Utah logarithms
What is Fermat's Last Theorem format?
Fermat --> Fe --> liFe
Fermat --> Fe --> Feynman test specimens
Thus we have the astrophysics universe....
and subset EARTH WORLD
Fe is a few things;
- Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic math in Hemoglobin ....such as exists in specimen Thorne.
- Oxygen atomic computer LUNG base 16 Hex'fe'= 254
d) the WORLD DAIRY DATA Exponents suggest we look at the quadratic equation
ax2 + bx + c = 0
The farm crop ...that is the symbolic information crop that parallels the physical grain crop ...the farm crop that contains the math Y variable is soYbeans.
Math variables are usually the symbols x, y, or z.
In high school algebra x is used most often; sometimes y is used.
Thus soybeans exists in two major formats: the physical grain used to feed and nourish the biochemistry processes of physical biology structures ......and for humans with a symbolic brain also provides FOOD for THOUGHT --> thus physical grain food for the physical biology system of humans to keep the brain symbolic computer operating the brain can think of the
project plan of
soybeans = soy + be + ans --> soy base answer ...
the math bases being
base 2 (like 2-legged humans that worship 2-legged chickens and chicken brains)
base 4 (like a 4-legged cow that has more brains than 2-legged intellectual cowards)
base 16(advanced projects of Nature and oxygen base 16 breathing life forms like IBM computer computers and the LAND Base 16 Hex'FFA" or the SKY Base Hex''FAA".
As we known ,..the EARTH soilo/land is a processor .....a geo-computer that parallel the copper-wire system 370 model with OS/JCL SNA VTAM used the in George Orwell year 1984 + the H.G.Wells TIME MACHINE giving the construction of the (Time Computer) for year 2000.
Thus book 1984 + base 16 oxygen bio-computer = year 2000 bio-computer Y2k biological requirements.
Matt Anderson was not taught the proper brain sub-routines by the University of Wisconsin or his high school ...the the brain battle resulting in his accidental murder ..... a message from Nature's systems to the educated people of Wisconsin ..... a message ignored ...and it is now August, year 2012. This BLOG repeats the theory that Matt Anderson's death is a SIGNAL about deeper levels of REALTY that we ought study and understand.
Remember, the EARTH is a subset of the universe ...thus his theories may apply to EARTH events and perceptions. For example, Brain Greene and the former Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Alan Greenspan sometines eat green vegetables with dinner ...thus green vegetable are FOOD for THOUGHT about the BOTANY parallel process of photosynthesis and the plant pigment green ... ..well known to farm intellectuals.
Thus we look at gravity and its relationship to agriculture.
We known, that the farm accident the hidden murder of MATT Anderson...that gravity accelerated his death.
G = universal gravitational constant ... known in Social SCIENCE WAR research papers as
G ...universe grav + itational con
Ground .....grave invitational wisCONsin ........ thus we see a factor in the Matt Anderson brain decision ...that is the gravity field interacion with his brain atomic mass thoughts ...created a new thought..the gravity thought in his subliminal MIND causing his conscious MIND miss a step ...thereby the tragic event.
But a bio-physics analysts ...might consider it a a SIGNAL from the gravity field ....about human thoughts that are embedded within the EARTH gravity field .........the bio-gravity field and the NORTH/SOUTH POLE bio-magnetic field.
Continung ...the WORLD DAIRY DATA Exponents suggest we look at the quadratic equation
ax2 + bx + c = 0
AND the gravity word: agriculture
AND g = gravity field parameter
AND a = g2 acceleration of gravity = 32
Let's develop some VIEWS of the language signal.
Now lets take the mathematical-English words:
"agricultural bag" .....and consider the possibilites
"ag" ...gravity is component of both space/time words ..
by substitution
agricultural bag --->
g2gricultural + bg2g --> giving
g3ricultural + bg3 .....
thus we have gravity cubes of space/time on the geography surface of EARTH...were human activities take place ...including the gravity tragedy of Matt Anderson and his farm equipment fall.
The other VIEW ..starts with the theory that mathematical-physics equations are the origin of thought.......and thus the evolution of language words and symbols .....are in some ways ..extensions of the math equations of life.
Again, the math WORLD DAIRY DATA Expo ...the convention /the meeting of exponent bio-math structures suggests we look at the quadratic equation
ax2 + bx + c = 0
Let math variable x be given the gravity physics symbol g.
Thus substitution of symbols
ag2 + bg + c = 0
in applied farm math terms ...... expanded into mathematical-english words-->
ag2 --> ag2riculture + bag + c = 0 Ma
thus the EARTH geography math land map SIGNAL
ag2riculture bag c0Ma
Now, we know in traditional farming.... the terms re used
for soybean meal feed bags, milk replacer bags, silage bags ...etc.
However, with the wars around the world.....that include soldiers from Wisconsin that have died in
IRAQ or Afghanistan ....and the Science WARS and the business competition WARS..... the concept of Wisconsin soldiers in body bags familiar to newspaper readers.
Thus the wars have come HOME to the farm community .....with the new concept of
Base 16 body bags ........with Matt Anderson ...the other
Base 16 body bags are from data processing geography region in ASIA....
Base 16 HEX'AF' --> AF.ghanistan ..the inverse region on the other side of the EARTH.
Thus we have the the regular region of
the FFA --> FUTURE base 16 Hex'FA" in Wisconsin
and the U.A.ARMY battles in Hex"AF" = AF.ghanistan (the inverse region)
Since , Wisconsin farmers AND Mid-west farmers and their communities and farm cooperatives REFUSE to cooperate in the intellectual understanding of this vast system of NATURE and its EARTH government.
See...the television show broadcast --> Masterpiece Theater with E.G.Marshal...agent for Earth Government region Marshal Wisconsin ...near the Hubble(Ton), Wisconsin astronomy WAR ...defense region .... world headquarters for military project ---> Galileo the DEFENDER (of the invasion of alien electromagnetic thought waves and photons).
Continuing with the quadratic equation,,,,,
ax2 + bx + c = 0
let's look at the BASE 16 application
ax2 + c = 0
x2 - 16 = 0
which has 2 roots X1 = + 4 and X2 = -4.
Now, if anyone in the world knows ROOTS, that would be a farmers and the farm business organizations.
Thus we consider the FFA math equation and the thousands of past FFA members that enjoy laughing at the world and its EARTHLY problems ,,..and will NOT help think help in the solution ...thus
x2 - 16 = 0 ---> and zero ...soybeans --> the zero answers
thus the consequences for the best man the FFA produced --> zero life ahead of him.
Now, let's take another look at the BASE 16 application
ax2 + c = 0
x2 - 16 = 0
which has 2 roots X1 = + 4 and X2 = -4
suggests a mathematical relationship between the
Base 16 Hex'FFA" organization and the 4-H CLUB of Wisconsin
Wisconsin farm boys around year 1955/1956 living near Base 16 Hexadecimal Highway .... near .......let's see what the math equation states
ax2 + c = 0
ax2 = 0 - c ---> implies oconomowoc or octagon house, watertown
x2 = 0 -16
which has 2 roots X1 = + 4 and X2 = -4.
Let's consider the 4-H Club of Watertown ...WEST ROAD with the Elm Grove School and the farmer sponser Edgar R...... and the 4-H club projects of involving carpentry in the winter and raising a donated 4-H club pig in the summer. Thus 50 years ...older and wiser and more experienced ...I realize these learning experiences ......involved some indirect messages from Nature. Those involve the atomic physics theory of the TRUE NATURE of the 3-little pigs story ....and other theories.
For now.....let's look at the 4-H CLUB and the mathematical-English alphabet.
The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters – the same letters that are found in the ISO basic Latin alphabet:
In particular ....symbols and their address location ....
1 2 3 4
Thus we see that the
4-H Club of Wisconsin ....substitute number 4 with symbol D
D-H Club of Wisconsin .................
D-H = Double Helix CLUB of Wisconsin biochemistry /genetics ...some secret experimental LAB group used by the University of Wisconsin for human brain experiments. Around year 1865...Lewis Carroll explained this citizen approved university /government policy of secret social science experiments.
In modern times ...we have the ALICE in Dairyland experiment with FFA guinea-pig Matt Anderson.
Thus we see a social educational system ..that needs to be understood ....and if necessary...adjusted to try to prevent the experimental ERRORS that resulted in the Matt Anderson death;
the vast amount of data of that event .....could have been available .....say .....if the accident had just resulted in a broken arm. Thus the various forces and vectors and bio-computer subroutines involved in the accident ...would have to been understood ....and then... perhaps.... upgraded to less destructive ends.
4-H Club of Wisconsin ....substitute number 4 with symbol D
D-H Club of Wisconsin .................
D-H = Double Helix CLUB of Wisconsin ..part of the
D.H. Law school project ...known as
D.H. Lawrence author of the book...
D.H. --> Double Helix and Lady Chat Room's LOVER with a cell phone ..that is ......a molecular cell biology phone for brain cell WARS.
Another famous Wisconsin Double-Helix algebra agent ...the Governor Doyle.
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Fact Sheet
Deoxyribonucleic Acid ....... algebra subset letters
44th Governor --> 4th alphabet letter = D...thus
Math variables are usually the symbols x, y, or z.
In high school algebra x is used most often; sometimes y is used.
Thus soybeans exists in two major formats: the physical grain used to feed and nourish the biochemistry processes of physical biology structures ......and for humans with a symbolic brain also provides FOOD for THOUGHT --> thus physical grain food for the physical biology system of humans to keep the brain symbolic computer operating the brain can think of the
project plan of
soybeans = soy + be + ans --> soy base answer ...
the math bases being
base 2 (like 2-legged humans that worship 2-legged chickens and chicken brains)
base 4 (like a 4-legged cow that has more brains than 2-legged intellectual cowards)
base 16(advanced projects of Nature and oxygen base 16 breathing life forms like IBM computer computers and the LAND Base 16 Hex'FFA" or the SKY Base Hex''FAA".
As we known ,..the EARTH soilo/land is a processor .....a geo-computer that parallel the copper-wire system 370 model with OS/JCL SNA VTAM used the in George Orwell year 1984 + the H.G.Wells TIME MACHINE giving the construction of the (Time Computer) for year 2000.
Thus book 1984 + base 16 oxygen bio-computer = year 2000 bio-computer Y2k biological requirements.
Matt Anderson was not taught the proper brain sub-routines by the University of Wisconsin or his high school ...the the brain battle resulting in his accidental murder ..... a message from Nature's systems to the educated people of Wisconsin ..... a message ignored ...and it is now August, year 2012. This BLOG repeats the theory that Matt Anderson's death is a SIGNAL about deeper levels of REALTY that we ought study and understand.
Remember, the EARTH is a subset of the universe ...thus his theories may apply to EARTH events and perceptions. For example, Brain Greene and the former Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Alan Greenspan sometines eat green vegetables with dinner ...thus green vegetable are FOOD for THOUGHT about the BOTANY parallel process of photosynthesis and the plant pigment green ... ..well known to farm intellectuals.
Thus we look at gravity and its relationship to agriculture.
We known, that the farm accident the hidden murder of MATT Anderson...that gravity accelerated his death.
G = universal gravitational constant ... known in Social SCIENCE WAR research papers as
G ...universe grav + itational con
Ground .....grave invitational wisCONsin ........ thus we see a factor in the Matt Anderson brain decision ...that is the gravity field interacion with his brain atomic mass thoughts ...created a new thought..the gravity thought in his subliminal MIND causing his conscious MIND miss a step ...thereby the tragic event.
But a bio-physics analysts ...might consider it a a SIGNAL from the gravity field ....about human thoughts that are embedded within the EARTH gravity field .........the bio-gravity field and the NORTH/SOUTH POLE bio-magnetic field.
Continung ...the WORLD DAIRY DATA Exponents suggest we look at the quadratic equation
ax2 + bx + c = 0
AND the gravity word: agriculture
AND g = gravity field parameter
AND a = g2 acceleration of gravity = 32
Let's develop some VIEWS of the language signal.
Now lets take the mathematical-English words:
"agricultural bag" .....and consider the possibilites
"ag" ...gravity is component of both space/time words ..
by substitution
agricultural bag --->
g2gricultural + bg2g --> giving
g3ricultural + bg3 .....
thus we have gravity cubes of space/time on the geography surface of EARTH...were human activities take place ...including the gravity tragedy of Matt Anderson and his farm equipment fall.
Wisconsin Ag Connection -
Past State FFA President Killed in Farm ...
the living EARTH cell ..revenge
for the destruction of prime farm landPabst Farms and hexadecimal Highway 16 -->
Past State FFA President Killed in Farm ...Past Farm ...Pabst Farms ..... EARTH WAR report
Past State FFA President Killed in Farm ...
-->the destruction of prime farm land
--> the destruction the prime of his ....the hex/curse of Hexadecimal Highway 16 upon Hex'FFA" member Matt Anderson ....... for the farm organizations and the farm community and farm business for their intellectual arrogance and policy errors.Mother EARTH and Lake Superior send another message toWisconsin EARTH farmers ...and the Lake Superior learning experience ofthe HEAD of the Department of Agriculture .... MR.NILand DeKalb seeds and MR.NIL.....sent a message to NIL, DeKalb, Illinois VIA Cole Hall tragedy.Who cares what's happening? Is this a new social engineering message process we ought understand.What is Nature telling us thru languages and tragic events?loader onto a trailer ...Thus we see the COMPUTER EARTH system 370 signal to the Base 16 organization regarding a world wide problem .......the messages of the probable planned accident are:.load errors --> SYS1.LOAD.LIBRARY
What is a load library? - IBM notice: The page you requested cannot ...
A load library contains programs ready to be executed. ...
A load library can be any of the following: System library ...
The most-used system library is SYS1.
--> thus we see the evolution of EARTH systems in the word CLUES.......A load library can be any of the following: System library ...words.....can be any = can bean y --. can bean soy --> can soybeans .....thus according to Grand Unified Theory physics AND the
Theory of Everything .....physics of agriculture and FOOD for Thought see a possible CLUE to the circle of life....or the circle of existence on EARTH ...that is the information loop of Nature ....... like many processes of Nature....the nitrogen cycle ...the water/rain cycle have an information cycle.....VIA physical grain soybeans and their symbolic life in term of the English words: soybeans and commodity futures trading,etc. We known that wheat future contracts are somehow related to the social sciences of Wheaton, Illinois ...west of Chicago ...a suburb in DuPage,,,,Computer EARTH project DUE PAGE and its community errors.
Operator's Library: OS/VS2, MVS System Commands Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Systems. GC38-0229-1. File No. S370-40. Operator's Library: OS/VS2, .... Operator's Library: IBM 3031 Operator's Guide, GC38-0033 ..... SYS1.NUCLEUS data set to be loaded. If you are uncertain of the procedures for address stopping, displaying ... The JCL data definition statements can be entered to the system by: ...
Systems OS/VS Assembler Programmer's Guide Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat...
and the IBM System/370 Advanced Function Bibliography, Order No. GC20-l763, for the ... OS/VS JCL Reference, Order No. GC28-0618. OS/VS .... editor stores your program in a load module library, a collection of data sets on a .....
The other VIEW ..starts with the theory that mathematical-physics equations are the origin of thought.......and thus the evolution of language words and symbols .....are in some ways ..extensions of the math equations of life.
Again, the math WORLD DAIRY DATA Expo ...the convention /the meeting of exponent bio-math structures suggests we look at the quadratic equation
ax2 + bx + c = 0
Let math variable x be given the gravity physics symbol g.
Thus substitution of symbols
ag2 + bg + c = 0
in applied farm math terms ...... expanded into mathematical-english words-->
ag2 --> ag2riculture + bag + c = 0 Ma
thus the EARTH geography math land map SIGNAL
ag2riculture bag c0Ma
Now, we know in traditional farming.... the terms re used
for soybean meal feed bags, milk replacer bags, silage bags ...etc.
However, with the wars around the world.....that include soldiers from Wisconsin that have died in
IRAQ or Afghanistan ....and the Science WARS and the business competition WARS..... the concept of Wisconsin soldiers in body bags familiar to newspaper readers.
Thus the wars have come HOME to the farm community .....with the new concept of
Base 16 body bags ........with Matt Anderson ...the other
Base 16 body bags are from data processing geography region in ASIA....
Base 16 HEX'AF' --> AF.ghanistan ..the inverse region on the other side of the EARTH.
Thus we have the the regular region of
the FFA --> FUTURE base 16 Hex'FA" in Wisconsin
and the U.A.ARMY battles in Hex"AF" = AF.ghanistan (the inverse region)
Since , Wisconsin farmers AND Mid-west farmers and their communities and farm cooperatives REFUSE to cooperate in the intellectual understanding of this vast system of NATURE and its EARTH government.
See...the television show broadcast --> Masterpiece Theater with E.G.Marshal...agent for Earth Government region Marshal Wisconsin ...near the Hubble(Ton), Wisconsin astronomy WAR ...defense region .... world headquarters for military project ---> Galileo the DEFENDER (of the invasion of alien electromagnetic thought waves and photons).
Brain mirror
Brain <-----> Brian
Thus a permutation of the Brain is the .....Brian version.
Is his permutaion a mutation? Yes.
Is it a good mututation? It seems to be VIA his book signals.
Why doesn't the BRIAN version communicate with the BRAIN version.
Col --> Columbia University has a brain problem with E.coli ...
English language disease ......caused by
E. coli parameters of their own making
Elite Columbia ......VS....the Hierarchy Problem of NATURE ...Nature's intellect does not accept their Margaret Mead nuclear family,...atomic social anthropology VIEW of North American society and political science.
Elite Columbia ......VS....the Hierarchy Problem of NATURE ...Nature's intellect does not accept their Margaret Mead nuclear family,...atomic social anthropology VIEW of North American society and political science.
Jan 24, 2011 – Our universe might be really, really big — but finite. Or it might be infinitely big. Both cases, says physicist Brian Greene, are possibilities, but if ... |
Continuing with the quadratic equation,,,,,
ax2 + bx + c = 0
let's look at the BASE 16 application
ax2 + c = 0
x2 - 16 = 0
which has 2 roots X1 = + 4 and X2 = -4.
Now, if anyone in the world knows ROOTS, that would be a farmers and the farm business organizations.
Thus we consider the FFA math equation and the thousands of past FFA members that enjoy laughing at the world and its EARTHLY problems ,,..and will NOT help think help in the solution ...thus
x2 - 16 = 0 ---> and zero ...soybeans --> the zero answers
thus the consequences for the best man the FFA produced --> zero life ahead of him.
Now, let's take another look at the BASE 16 application
ax2 + c = 0
x2 - 16 = 0
which has 2 roots X1 = + 4 and X2 = -4
suggests a mathematical relationship between the
Base 16 Hex'FFA" organization and the 4-H CLUB of Wisconsin
Wisconsin farm boys around year 1955/1956 living near Base 16 Hexadecimal Highway .... near .......let's see what the math equation states
ax2 + c = 0
ax2 = 0 - c ---> implies oconomowoc or octagon house, watertown
x2 = 0 -16
which has 2 roots X1 = + 4 and X2 = -4.
Let's consider the 4-H Club of Watertown ...WEST ROAD with the Elm Grove School and the farmer sponser Edgar R...... and the 4-H club projects of involving carpentry in the winter and raising a donated 4-H club pig in the summer. Thus 50 years ...older and wiser and more experienced ...I realize these learning experiences ......involved some indirect messages from Nature. Those involve the atomic physics theory of the TRUE NATURE of the 3-little pigs story ....and other theories.
For now.....let's look at the 4-H CLUB and the mathematical-English alphabet.
The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters – the same letters that are found in the ISO basic Latin alphabet:
Majuscule forms (also called uppercase or capital letters) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
In particular ....symbols and their address location ....
A | B | C | D | E | F |
1 2 3 4
Thus we see that the
4-H Club of Wisconsin ....substitute number 4 with symbol D
D-H Club of Wisconsin .................
D-H = Double Helix CLUB of Wisconsin biochemistry /genetics ...some secret experimental LAB group used by the University of Wisconsin for human brain experiments. Around year 1865...Lewis Carroll explained this citizen approved university /government policy of secret social science experiments.
LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?
The LEWIS Carroll EARTH LAB message:
"Here one of the
guinea-pigs cheered,
and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."
guinea-pigs cheered,
and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."
In modern times ...we have the ALICE in Dairyland experiment with FFA guinea-pig Matt Anderson.
Thus we see a social educational system ..that needs to be understood ....and if necessary...adjusted to try to prevent the experimental ERRORS that resulted in the Matt Anderson death;
the vast amount of data of that event .....could have been available .....say .....if the accident had just resulted in a broken arm. Thus the various forces and vectors and bio-computer subroutines involved in the accident ...would have to been understood ....and then... perhaps.... upgraded to less destructive ends.
4-H Club of Wisconsin ....substitute number 4 with symbol D
D-H Club of Wisconsin .................
D-H = Double Helix CLUB of Wisconsin ..part of the
D.H. Law school project ...known as
D.H. Lawrence author of the book...
D.H. --> Double Helix and Lady Chat Room's LOVER with a cell phone ..that is ......a molecular cell biology phone for brain cell WARS.
Another famous Wisconsin Double-Helix algebra agent ...the Governor Doyle.
What is DNA? - Genetics Home Reference › Handbook › Cells and DNACached - Similar5 days ago – DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms. Nearly every cell in a person's body has ...
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Fact Sheet › Education › Fact SheetsCached - Similar
Jun 13, 2012 – What is DNA? Where is DNA found? What is DNA made of? What does DNA do? How are DNA sequences used to make proteins?
What is DNA?
Deoxyribonucleic Acid ....... algebra subset letters
.....D..o..y.................le .................. symbol location .....
......1...3...5...............letter /message for the Governor
DNA is read from 3' → 5' during transcription.
Doyle, North America --> 1 Governor --> is read from 3 --> 5
Governor = G + over +nor = relationship between
G = universal gravitational constant OVER /thru the bio-human inter-communications transfer device .....nor = north Pole magnetic data field.
DNA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Polymerases: If a mismatch is detected, a 3′ to 5′ exonuclease activity is activated and the incorrect base removed. In most organisms, DNA ...
Doyle North American protein file of an earthLING
Jim Doyle

James Edward "Jim" Doyle is a Wisconsin politician and member of the Democratic Party. He was the 44th Governor of Wisconsin, serving from January 6, 2003 to January 3, 2011. Wikipedia
Born: November 23, 1945 (age 66), Washington, D.C.
Party: Democratic Party
Thus we have the Governor ...SIGNALS ....his earthling attributes
Max BORN bio-physics --> 23 chromosome pairs
44th Governor --> 4 DNA nucleotides
44th Governor --> 4th alphabet letter = D...thus
DD Governor of IBM system 370 OS/JCL bio-computers .......
What is JCL? - IBM notice: The page you requested cannot be ...
You use job control language (JCL) to convey this information to z/OS through a set ... Each DD (data definition) statement links a data set or other I/O device or ...Thus the GOVERNOR with his 44th Data Definition ..links to other human data sets ...that is the human brain of professors at the University of Wisconsin, Madison ...since the math and science professors are probably the only bio-data sets with any serious data.Madison, Wisconsin is a very interesting city ..... for serious researchers ...that like to know details and social process control sytems ..... Madison is in DANE County, Wisconsin ...and provides the Niels Bohr Institute in Denmark, Europe with an endless supply of amazing and odd facts of life. Social and political wonders never before revealed to the world.
Milwaukee Policeman Brain Norberg and his experimental relationship with Tallahassee Magnetic Field research VIA Julius Burton a very interesting example of modern relationships with EARTH LAB processes.